Meg's Mishaps

Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's Springy outside--yeah!

So, it's the most wonderful time of the year...again...Spring. I can smell it in the air. I hear the birds singing and everything is green again. Oh wait, I live in the South and everything is ALWAYS green. Oh well, I love this time of year! However, I find myself cramming to get things done around this time, though and kicking myself for not planning ahead better. It's in these moments that I need to keep reminding myself to live in the present, not in the past and not in the future. I pass a billboard on the way to work each day that says, "Thank you God for past memories. Thank you for the most precious living moments of now." Or something like that. You catch the drift. Anyways, I hope that this encourages ya'll, all my peeps! Wait a anyone out there? Check 1...2.................3? Hello?


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